Biographical sketch

Peter Svete Name Peter Svete

Born April 16, 1971, Ljubljana, Slovenia

B.Sc. in Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1996

Research assistant, J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 1996

Group for Inorganic Analytical Chemistry

Contact information

Office: Address: Jožef Stefan Institute, Deptartment of Environmental Sciences, Jamova 39, 1111 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Phone: +386 61 17 73 542

Fax: +386 61 219 385


Home: Address: Laze 10, 1353 Borovnica

Phone: +386 61 746 548

Areas of research

Analytical Chemistry: Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES), Chromatography (FPLC)
Environmental Chemistry: Terrestrial and aquatic environment; Speciation of zinc in environmental samples (percolating waters, soil extracts); Determination of many elements with ICP-AES technique;
Analytical techniques: ICP-AES, HPLC